
Eclipses & Liminal Spaces

The past two weeks, I’ve been wandering within a liminal space. There are many reasons for the feeling, but the most remarkable is we have been in between eclipses. In astrology, the belief is that we open a portal into time and space when eclipses come around. Eclipses usually come in pairs, just like the head and tail of a dragon, about two weeks apart. I was born in between eclipses, so in many ways, this space is where I feel most at home. The waiting, the watching, the listening for something that is beyond my five senses.

I traveled to Boulder on the first eclipse of the year. I went to learn more about human anatomy with the fabulous staff at Anatomy Trains, to see what I have sensed as I have done energy work: everything is connected to everything else. As I spent time with the remnants of a human being, I was ushered into a portal yet again. Each day, myself and 43 other adults seeking more knowledge on the human form, would prepare ourselves to literally dissect these bodies that were donated for the sake of science and learning. Each evening, I would exit the portal of the lab to be alone with what I saw, and the amazing awe of it all.

After my return from such an unique experience, I remained within my cloudy portal. My body was heavy all week, yet my mind was racing. I’m considering a lot about my future right now, but I know that it’s not time to make any big decisions. When I feel clouded, I often will go for a walk outside to clear my mind. During my walks in Boulder, I felt into the quiet of the morning as the sun rose above the mountains. During my walk back home this morning, I was reminded why I take this time: to listen to the world. To let Mother Earth speak to me.

I suspect this is why the loss of Mary Oliver hit me so hard. I normally don’t get sad when famous people who I haven’t met die. However, Mary’s poetry always made me feel like we were good friends. A fellow Virgo, she wrote about birds, trees, dogs, and sometimes love. She wrote about everyday things, in a grounded practical voice. On Thursday night, upon hearing about her departure, I decided to listen to Mary read her own poetry. To listen in her own voice.

So as our full moon lunar eclipse takes place late this evening here in the midwest, light a candle and think about what you are waiting for. Have you been existing in a liminal place? Where is it taking you? Listen closely.